Checking your monthly departmental mail service charges is fast and easy thanks to an interactive, online form provided by Mail, Messenger & Distribution Services (MMDS). This form allows you to view itemized charges for the on-campus services listed below by FS Department Code or recharge ID.
When viewing your charges, you may click on individual recharge items for further details. Available detail varies depending on the service. For example, Messenger Service shows the requestor, where it was going, where it originated, etc. Outgoing Mail shows the class of mail and the date and time it was posted. USPS tracking numbers are also available where applicable. All detail is available, even when searching by FS Code. When you search by FS Code, all related IDs will be listed. You can then click on each individual ID to view details.
- Bulk mail
- Incoming mail
- Messenger service
- Outgoing mail
- Campus mail stop charges
- Stamp sales
- BruinPost
- Distribution Services
To view your charges, go to the UCLA Mail Services billing form and enter information as follows:
- Select a billing month from the pull-down menu.
- Enter your Recharge ID or FS department code in the appropriate field, and click Enter.
- Review your charges.
- Click on a Recharge ID link (if available) for further detail.